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Looking for fundraising ideas for your college student organization?
You want to get the word out about your club — not just to find more student members, but to raise awareness for important events and efforts. And that probably means raising your student group’s funding, as well.
Whether your club is in its early stages or well-established, every student-run group relies on the generous support of friends, communities and companies to keep operations running — especially as your reach expands.
Maybe you’re planning a fun run for kids’ cancer research, hosting an art show in the campus center, building your own solar-powered vehicle or organizing a research forum. Whatever your student organization’s aims, we want to make sure you have the funding to bring your visions to life.
That’s why in addition to providing the latest in educational content and scholarship opportunities, Classrooms specializes in finding funding for student organizations.
Get in touch with us today by filling out the form below — we’re happy to match you with the right grant for your college club.