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Do you adore the written and spoken word? If your communication skills are on point, you can command a comfortable salary doing what you love.
If you are an undergrad or thinking of going to school, what can you do with an English degree? Is academia your only route to success? Here are six fields in English to consider if you love words — which one suits your personality the best?
1. Journalism
Do you have a nose for news? As a journalist, you might cover anything from local school board meetings to national protests. It’s an ideal field for anyone from adrenaline junkies to those who prefer things a bit more mundane.
This field might be the perfect fit if you are naturally curious and have to have your finger on the pulse of current events. To succeed, you’ll need a healthy balance of extraversion and introversion. After all, you’ll need quiet alone time to write, but first, you have to interview the principal parties involved in any event.
Journalism can take you in several directions. If you can’t get enough of being in front of the camera, you could anchor for a news network. You could also get a regular byline in your local paper by writing up the topics covered in last night’s city council meeting.
2. Copywriting
If you want to increase your writing versatility a bit, navigating away from the 5 W’s and penning more lifestyle-inspired pieces, perhaps copywriting is your niche. This role is ideal if you can’t get enough of learning about various topics — you’ll discover something new every day.
Tackling assignments outside of your wheelhouse will grow your knowledge base. However, you do run the risk of coming off like Spencer Reid on “Criminal Minds” when you sprinkle interesting facts into daily conversations.
If you are an introvert, this job is your dream come true. While you do have to handle marketing if you go it solo, you spend a considerable percentage of your time typing away behind a screen. You don’t technically need a degree for this role, but it helps if you don’t plan to open your own business.
3. Teaching
If you adore working with children, young or old, teaching is a field in English to consider for celebrating your love of words. To get the most out of this career choice, carefully evaluate what you love best — inspiring young minds or digging into philosophical conversations while analyzing works. If it’s the former, K-12 is the way to go, but if it’s the latter, you may want to go on to become a college professor.
You will need to obtain your degree and get certified to teach at the K-12 level. Each state has slightly different requirements, so check with your department of education for the steps to take.
4. Tutoring
Maybe you decided that you adore working with words and children, but you don’t have a degree. You can earn while you learn as a tutor and get valuable experience to pad your resume if you plan to obtain your teaching degree.
If you are currently in school, check with your advisor. Many campuses hire tutors who do well in English to help other students who are struggling. You can also look into online tutoring companies or hang up flyers on community bulletin boards to attract local clients.
This role also makes a wise choice for introverted sorts who find standing in front of 30 to 40 students intimidating. If you have a passion for instruction but not classroom management, consider this role.
5. Technical Writing
Unless you buy a kit that comes with diagrams only, someone has to write the instructions that come inside the products you buy. They also need to pen user manuals for anything from repairing diesel engines to removing a gallbladder.
Technical writing has you writing manuals and how-to guides for print and online distribution. You’ll need considerable expertise in your field, making this career one to consider after you establish yourself elsewhere. It’s something to look into if you hope to move from a high-pressure sales position to a less feast-or-famine role.
6. Interpretation
Do you speak more than one language? If so, your talent as an interpreter can open career doors.
Interpreters can work anywhere from schools to hospitals, from crowded conference rooms to your home office as you translate a document into Spanish or French. Many organizations prefer candidates with bachelor’s degrees, but your most critical requirement is the ability to speak another tongue fluently. If you can sign, you can provide a valuable service for the hearing impaired.
Consider These 6 Fields in English If You Love Words
If you love words, consider these six fields in English. You can find a career ideal for your personality with this degree.