The Best Movies for English Class

Ginger Abbot

May 16, 2022
the best movies for english class

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In the digital age, young people are captivated by their screens. TikTok, Instagram and Twitter hold their attention longer than print text. Educators can use the power of digital media to improve their students’ learning experiences.

English teachers specifically use movies as a way to provoke interest in different lessons. There are various films instructors use to increase students’ understanding of literature and literary features. Before evaluating the best movies for English class, educators must explore how films support learning.

How Movies Support Education

Movies support different learning styles outside of singular text-based lessons. The four major types of learners are visual, reading and writing, auditory and kinesthetic. Films can engage almost all styles of education when teachers apply all of their features.

Visual learners benefit from the image display of storylines in movies. Teachers can appeal to reading and writing-focused learners by displaying the subtitles during films. Auditory students may benefit from the dialogue in movies and the subtitles because they can read along and improve their literacy skills.

Films also support education by increasing students’ exposure to different cultures. Many individuals lack the funds to visit different regions and countries. Films can help students view various landscapes, accents, vernacular and other cultural aspects outside their own.

Teachers can additionally use movies to expand students’ vocabulary. They may have their students jot down words they are unfamiliar with during the film and discuss their origin and meaning after. It also exposes individuals to the accurate context of different words.

Another benefit of films in the classroom is their support for non-English speakers. Many individuals learn different languages by watching movies. After evaluating the usefulness of films in the classroom, English teachers may assess the top movies for class.

Movies That Follow Books

In English class, many teachers read novels to display literary devices and expand students’ vocabulary. Instructors can spend part of their class time watching films that follow the books they are reading. Some of the top films English teachers use to support their curriculum are Romeo and Juliette, The Great Gatsby and Little Women.

The movies closely follow their original texts which help instructors integrate media time into their lessons. Teachers may also use the films to inspire students to read. Some visual learners may feel more engaged with the movie which will spark their interest in the text.

Educators may explore the impacts of films versus texts by asking questions that differ between each media form on exams. The feedback will help teachers better understand their students’ learning styles. Teachers can also expand individuals’ understanding of the education systems’ effects on their learning experiences by watching films about education reform.

Movies That Promote Education Reform

There are a few key movies that explore education reform and help students understand the greater learning systems. Most Likely to Succeed is a beneficial film for English classes because it displays alternative learning systems and the power of literature in conducting structural changes. Another film benefiting English education is The Address.

The film follows an alternative learning school that requires students to learn the Gettysburg Address. Teachers have the students recite the address in front of a community to learn about courage and social skills. Students can learn about the importance of emotional and social education through watching the movie.

Another beneficial film is called Finding the Gold Within, which follows African American teens through their journey in the public education system. The film can increase non-black students’ understanding of the educational system’s racial inequalities and inspire change in the next generation using literature and narratives. Movies also improve individuals’ understanding of the English language.

Movies Helping Non-Speakers Learn the English Language

Many teachers in different parts of the world use American films to teach their students the English language. Books help individuals understand vocabulary and grammar, and movies increase a student’s awareness of real English. They also increase an individual’s ability to pronounce different words.

Children’s films like Toy Story and the early Harry Potter series use simple language which is easy to understand. Students can access various English education benefits when teachers integrate movies into their curriculums.

The Benefits of Watching the Top Movies for English Class

When students watch the top movies for English class, they may gain a better understanding of books’ messages. Films also help students understand literary themes, styles and genres. Individuals may additionally expand their awareness of different cultures and pronunciations by watching region-specific movies.

Some researchers recognized an improvement in memory performance with visual aids, so instructors can enhance information retention with films. Generally, movies also improve students’ understanding of literature. 

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