How to Become a Manager  

Ginger Abbot

Aug 8, 2022
manager 2

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Have you been working at your company for a while and are ready to take on more responsibility? Being a boss has many benefits, such as more influence over company decisions. Although, you may have some stiff competition from other coworkers. Here are the seven tips on how to become a manager. 

1. Research the Requirements of the Job

The first step is figuring out what the daily responsibilities are. Review the job description and read articles by successful bosses. You can also connect with a career advisor. Another way to learn more about the position is by speaking with the supervisor. Spend the day observing them and asking questions. 

Make sure to ask specific questions, like how they motivate the team to complete projects on time. Also, look up the typical salary ranges. A supervisor usually makes about $52,806 per year. Knowing all this information shows how serious you are about getting the job. 

2.  Reflect on Your Skills 

Understanding your abilities is an important step for how to become a manager. First, determine what skills are needed to be a successful boss. These often include communication, planning, decision-making, and problem-solving. 

You can assess your strengths by examining performance reviews or asking coworkers for feedback. Being aware of your traits allows you to see where you excel and where you need to grow. 

Once you have identified your weaknesses, set goals for improvement. You can use your organization’s goal-setting structure, such as a tiered framework. You can also use online resources, such as Basecamp. Make sure you are regularly tracking your progress.  Improving your leadership skills will help you stand out against the competition. 

Another important step is creating a career map, to help you know where you want to end up. This involves understanding your current position and what you want to get out of the new one. 

3. Talk About Your Goals With Your Manager 

Let your director know you’re interested in a leadership position. They can give you feedback about how well you would fit in the role. In addition, they can give you some valuable tips for applying. 

They might even give you more responsibility or share their own managerial experiences. Then when it’s time to look for candidates, they will think of you first. 

4. Show How You Add Value to the Team 

Demonstrating that you have the skills for the job is a critical step in how to become a manager. It also gives experiences to put on your resume and shows initiative. You can demonstrate your value by helping the team to accomplish their goals. For example, you could increase your company’s profit margin or add a new client base. You can also show your skill by speaking up in meetings or offering creative problem-solving solutions. 

5. Contribute to Meaningful Projects 

To get noticed, volunteer for projects that give you visibility. Think about the projects the team cares the most about and get involved in those. Learn what these are through meetings and talking with your supervisor. 

Also, determine how many projects you’ll work on per quarter, so you’re not overextending yourself. While completing the assignments, think about the big picture. Make sure to consider who it’s impacting and who else you need to get involved.

When deciding which assignments to complete, take some calculated risks. Suppose you’re nervous about public speaking. Still volunteer to give a presentation. This can show you are willing to step up, which is an important leadership trait. Even if you make mistakes, just own them. 

6.  Network 

Networking is a powerful tool when determining how to become a manager. Connect with your leadership team to build meaningful relationships with them. It can improve your chances of getting the role. Try to speak with them whenever you have a chance. For, example you could pull them aside after a team meeting or start a conversation in the break room. 

If you work remotely, this may be a little more challenging. Consider setting up a coffee date after work. Another idea is volunteering for projects that upper management works on. It can give you a chance to show your skills and improve relationships. Going to outside work events, like happy hours, can also help you make connections. 

7. Be Available to Assist Others

One of the main roles of an executive is to help their team grow. So, show you have that skill by assisting other co-workers. Be free to answer questions and provide solutions. In addition, get involved in the onboarding process, so you can mentor people. 

When mentoring others, make sure to show empathy. You want to validate their feelings, so they feel safe speaking with you. Actively listening is another important skill. Show you’re paying attention by nodding and giving them eye contact. In addition, part of guiding people is being able to give constructive feedback.

How to Become a Manager Successfully 

Being a supervisor comes with lots of responsibility, but also power. When applying for the job, you may face tough competition. So, follow these steps on how to become a manager. 

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