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There is a lot of pressure with going to college and how to know if it is right for you. You are making a big life decision at a young age and might not know what to do. Your friends might be going, so you might decide to go, but that doesn’t mean it is the right decision. There are ways you can decipher if this is the right decision for you or not.
Here is how to know if college is the right choice for you.
Signs College is Right For You
Although there aren’t clear yes or no signs on your face, there are some ways to determine if it is right. Certain things you look forward to later in life can answer whether it is worth it. Here are some signs that point to yes.
1. You Need a Degree For Your Dream Job
Certain jobs require a degree to be qualified in the field. College is the right path if you have always dreamt about being a doctor or a lawyer. You learn skills such as time and stress management, assertiveness and other skills employers want you to have experience with.
2. You Enjoy Making Connections
Networking is one of the best ways to get your professional life on track. You have many professors and university administrators to get to know in college. Sign up for internships and campus clubs to connect with other professionals that could help your career in the future. The connection could eventually lead you to your first job or help you land a job you really want.
3. You Love Learning
College is a community filled with people who love to learn. Discussing topics in class with other students and professors can feel fun while you connect with people like you. It can even help you uncover what you want to do if you are unsure but know you love to learn.
When you are a freshman, many general education courses and electives fit into any major. They are meant to help you decide your career path if you aren’t set on something. General education classes help narrow your interests to choose the right major.
4. You Look Forward to the “College Experience”
There are many opportunities like meeting friends, joining organizations, playing sports and attending sporting events. If these experiences appeal to you, they can be your sign to go to college. It is a great plus, but academics should be your first reason to go.
Signs College Isn’t Right For You
Now that you considered the signs of if college is for you, here are the signs that should have you re-evaluating your decision. Here is more on how to know if it is right for you.
1. You’re Doing it For Your Parents
Parents can put a lot of pressure on you to go to college. They usually only do it because they want the best for you and want you to have a successful life. They dream big, but you might not have the same dream. You might have a career in mind that doesn’t require higher education or needs different schooling. It might not be for you if it feels like you are only going not to disappoint your parents.
2. Work is More Important Than Education For You
Experience is essential for employers and can sometimes get you further than education. It looks great on your resume to have real hands-on jobs that prepare you for the one you want. Certain employers value the experience and attitude you have more than an education.
3. You Keep Changing Your Course
Have you changed your plans after high school multiple times? If so, it could be a sign college isn’t right for you. If you can’t decide what you want to study and don’t know if you can do it in a classroom, try taking a year off. It can help you get clarity on if you do want to major in a specific subject or if you want to take a different route in life.
Get Excited For the Future
No matter your path, get excited for the rest of your life. There will be so many journeys you can explore in life and your track will continuously change. The opportunities are endless to create your ideal life.