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Nobody can argue that people of color have a different experience in school than their white peers. BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) may find that they are held to higher standards or experience discrimination during their time in school. Roughly 27% of the Black population in Canada received a degree higher than their Bachelor’s. BIPOC are integral to all educational spaces. If they can do it with a little help, so can you.
While your university or college may have a list of resources for BIPOC students full of helpful categories, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with some stellar organizations that provide educational material and advocacy tools for free. Many of them revolve around self-care and preventing burnout, while others call for raising your voice.
3 Resources for Black Students
Black students often face discrimination from peers and faculty when in school. Many BIPOC wellness resources focus on healing and preserving the mental health of Black students to strive for a better tomorrow.
1. Black Men Heal
The mental struggles of men often go unnoticed. Black Men Heal seeks to provide Black men with the information they need to take care of themselves and seek treatment. They’ve helped over 1,500 Black men take care of their mental and emotional health to this day.
2. Black Women’s Health Imperative
With nearly 40 years of advocating for Black women’s health under their belt, the Black Women’s Health Imperative (BWHI) strives to make health care in all forms more accessible to Black women. BWHI has an extensive history as a champion of Black wellness and continues to be one of the largest organizations supporting Black women.
3. Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective
Seeking to remove the barriers between Black people and their healing, the Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective (BEAM) advocates for health and healing in the Black community while providing free resources for BIPOC students to educate others and promote wellness.
3 Resources for Indigenous Students
The First Nation peoples are a crucial part of Canada’s history and remain an essential part of its present. There are plenty of organizations that support Indigenous people in many ways, from advocacy to self-care.
1. Native Women’s Association of Canada
The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) supports the voices of Indigenous peoples of Canada, particularly those of women and girls. It promotes equality for all genders and aims to improve the well-being of Indigenous people through speaking out for advocacy in educational, economic, and social settings.
RAVEN is an organization that strives for Indigenous representation, especially in the political and environmental fields. RAVEN seeks to protect sacred lands and cultures from legal challenges and has raised over USD $7 million, or about CAD 8.7 million.
3. Healing in Colour
A strong advocate for mental health, Healing in Colour connects BIPOC with therapists who understand their backgrounds and struggles, who would’ve been challenging to find otherwise. This Canada-based organization is managed by queer women of color who aim to make mental health care more accessible to Black and Indigenous people of color while supporting BIPOC working in the field.
3 Resources for LGBTQ+ Students of Color
BIPOC students who are LGBTQ+ may find that they experience a greater level of discrimination. Some situations can be tough to navigate when you’re the victim of bullying, so it’s essential to look after your mental health while studying to ace your classes.
1. The Trevor Project
Seeking to eradicate the high LGBTQ+ youth suicide rates, The Trevor Project offers round-the-clock support for any who need it. It provides educational tools for anyone seeking to know more about the LGBTQ+ community and has gotten 30 bills passed in the United States since its founding. With over 200,000 chats per year, The Trevor Project can help any student in crisis and remind them that it gets better.
2. Rest for Resistance
Rest for Resistance offers numerous articles written by LGBTQ+ people for LGBTQ+ people. These articles often remind the reader to rest, and that they can’t fight for justice if they’re ignoring themselves. The website advocates for healing and proper rest to ensure LGBTQ+ people are surviving and thriving.
3. Human Rights Campaign
Giving a voice to those who can’t speak up safely is the purpose of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). The HRC strives to eliminate discrimination and violence targeting LGBTQ+ people. It offers numerous educational resources, some specifically to college and university students. Though based in the United States, the HRC’s efforts reach a global scale.
Enlist the Help of Resources
If you find yourself struggling while in school, reach out to one of the organizations listed above for help. They’ll be able to provide you with advice and guidance, as well as the motivation to keep moving forward. Your school is a better place because you’re there, and you deserve to thrive through your college and university journey.