A Complete Guide to Creating Sponsor Packets for Student Organization Funding


May 26, 2021

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Funding for your student organization or for an event your organization is holding is necessary for your members to thrive and to be successful. No matter what type of organization you are, whether it’s a Greek group, music club or sports team, there are times where you will need revenue. 

Traditionally, organizations will hold fundraisers. You could host a carnival, rummage sale or dance, but sometimes, that’s not enough for your club. There may be times where you want to hold a campus-wide event or project and need to outsource beyond your campus. That’s where sponsorships come in. 

Below, you’ll find a complete guide to creating sponsor packets for student organization funding so you can keep your group on track and successful! 

What Is a Sponsor Packet? 

Sponsor packets, also known as sponsorship packages, are great for fundraising when carefully curated. They are packets you put together to send out to businesses or other organizations to sponsor your group or sponsor an event that your group is hosting. It’s an elevator pitch to brands to have them support you. 

If a business decides to sponsor you, they’ll provide you with money as long as you market them in some way, whether it’s through social media, on posters, on clothing items your group sells or another marketing technique. The money a sponsor provides your organization can help reduce costs for organization items. 

Here’s how to create a sponsorship package for student group funding.

Step 1: Meet With Your Organization Leadership Committee

Before you take the reins on creating a sponsor packet for your organization, you need to meet with your organization’s leadership committee to devise a plan of action. Why are you considering making a sponsorship package? Is there an event coming up that needs funding, or are you taking on new members? Whatever the reason, it should be valid and brought up with the leaders of your group. 

Once you’ve determined that a sponsor packet is needed, you can begin to create a plan of action. Check with the treasurer to determine your funding needs. From there, brainstorm with the student members which businesses you want to ask to sponsor. Choose companies that align with your values, ideal audience and ones that will support your cause. 

Step 2: Introduce Your Organization

After determining your funding needs and ideal business sponsors, you can begin to write your sponsorship package. This is where you answer questions like the who, what, when, where, why and how of your student organization. 

You need to introduce your organization professionally so when the business representative opens your packet, and they know precisely who your group is and your purpose for writing to them. The introduction should be concise and focused. Include details about your event if you’re having one. Otherwise, describe what your organization does.  

Step 3: Explain How the Sponsor Could Benefit

Next, you’ll want to include how the sponsor, meaning the business you’re writing to, could benefit by sponsoring your organization. If they benefit from partnering with you, you’re more likely to get the sponsorship. 

In this section of your proposal, ensure you’re providing specific benefits. For example, perhaps you’ll feature them on your organization’s website or social media page. If they sponsor your organization for many events or even many years, then your university might recognize them and promote them as a sponsor. 

Step 4: Write a Call to Action

Then, you should write a call to action. Bring all of your ideas together in a concise closing paragraph. Additionally, if you have other materials added to your packet, you can direct the reader to those pages. 

The call to action should be inviting and make them want to say yes to your pitch. Also, you should include your contact information so they know who to call or email about accepting the proposal. If the potential sponsor can’t get in contact with you, you lessen your chances of gaining the sponsorship, so it’s imperative to include it! 

Step 5: Decide on Your Approach

This is a crucial part of your sponsor packet. There are generally two approaches to sponsorship packages — the tiered model and a la carte model. With the tiered model, you would create sponsorship levels such as platinum, gold and silver. Within each tier, you would offer varying amounts of benefits, and each would come at a different cost depending on how many benefits are available. 

With the a la carte approach, you design the package to achieve specific goals for the sponsor. For example, perhaps the potential sponsor only wishes for more brand recognition. You would offer that to them in the package. 

Step 6: Sign, Seal, Deliver

Finally, once you have your packet put together with all of the above details included, you can sign your letter. This adds personalization to the entire package, which is especially important if you’re sending the proposals to multiple businesses. 

Double-check addresses as well and then send the package. You can deliver it via the mail, emailing a file or hand-delivering the document. 

Follow This Guide for Sponsor Packet Success

Creating and distributing sponsor packets for student organization funding can bring your group extra revenue. When you host a more significant event or plan on completing a project, you’ll likely need more funding. Once you get a sponsor, you can breathe a sigh of relief and finally achieve your project or event.

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