7 Tips to Improve Your Grades  

Carolina Jacobs

Dec 9, 2022

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Your grades are critical for getting into a good college and succeeding in the future. However, studying can sometimes feel like a chore. Also, it may be harder to stay focused with stressors like a global pandemic. So, here are a few tips to improve your grades. 

1. Participate in Class Discussions

It can be easier to zone out during class, especially if it’s a subject you’re not interested in. So, actively practicing can effectively encode the information in your head. It also gives you a chance to verbalize challenging concepts for deeper encoding. To get involved, you can answer a teacher’s question, ask your own or be vocal in group discussions. This also communicates to your teacher that you’re working hard in the class. 

However, your level of participation may depend on your personality. Speaking in a group setting may be nerve-wracking for those who are shy. Talk with your teacher and see how you can participate in other ways, such as turning in handwritten notes. 

2. Take Effective Notes 

Along with participation, also take quality notes to improve your grades. Taking proper notes helps you think about the information twice. For example, you hear it and then write it down. Plus, then you have notes you can review before the test. 

You can also record or type lectures if you don’t have the best handwriting or the professor moves too fast. Just be sure to get recording permission from your professor and classmates first. Try to get down the most important facts instead of everything the teacher said. 

Here are a few more strategies for successful note-taking:

  • Add information from your readings
  • Recopy any hard to read notes
  • Organize information based on the class subject
  • Compare your notes with friends 

3. Remember It’s Okay to Ask For Help

Asking for assistance isn’t something to be embarrassed about. Many teachers are happy when you reach out to them. So, set up a time after class to talk about your concerns. Whether that’s about test scores or homework assignments. That way, they can help develop strategies to improve your grades. 

Also, come to the meeting with specific questions to make the most out of your time. Think about the particular parts of the lesson you had the most trouble with and focus on those. You might even want to write down questions to help you remember. 

4. Stay Motivated

Keep in mind getting good grades involves staying on track all semester. This isn’t an easy task with outside distractions, like social activities. However, it’s critical to find the inner motivation to push through. To help you stay focused, write a list of all your assignments and start with high-impact ones. For example, is there a test worth a large percentage of your grade? 

You might also want to start with a task that takes more time and effort. In addition, set realistic goals. For example, break an essay into smaller sections and spread the work out over multiple days. This can make the task feel less daunting. Another critical step is minimizing distractions. So, turn your phone on Do Not Disturb Mode and use browser extensions that keep you off social sites. 

5. Develop a Study Schedule

Staying on top of all your assignments is difficult with a busy schedule. So, this strategy can improve your time management, so you’re not rushing around at the last minute. Plus, you’ll feel less overwhelmed when studying or completing larger projects. A tip when reviewing material is to form a study group or hire a private tutor. 

So, set a certain amount of time each day to devote to each class. Write this information down on your calendar or use your phone app. Keep in mind the schedule should be flexible, just in case, last-minute things come up. 

6. Stay Healthy

Taking care of yourself is a crucial step to improving your grades. Feeling stressed and tired can lower your ability to focus. That’s why it’s essential to exercise regularly and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. In fact, you need at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week.  

Also, make sure to stay hydrated and get a good night’s sleep. Remember to drink more water carry around a reusable water bottle to classes. Also, try to wake up at the same time each day and turn off your phone at night to create a better sleep schedule. 

7. Evaluate Where You Can Improve

A critical step to improving your grades is knowing where you’re falling short. Evaluate past grades and see if there is a specific trend. For example, is there one particular subject area where you have lower marks? Another important thing to consider is outside factors. For example, are there family issues or friendship concerns? These external influences could be making it harder to focus.

 Also, the pandemic created a more virtual world, which some students had trouble adjusting to. Once you figure out the route of the problem, you can tackle it head-on. For example, if it’s a social issue, speak with a counselor. For academic challenges, communicate with your teacher.

How to Improve Your Grades

As a student, there’s a lot of academic and social pressure. Sometimes your grades can become the second priority. So, follow these tips to improve your grades and stay on track. 

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